Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

What I learned about God while serving in the Army
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

What I learned about God while serving in the Army

Russell Gehrlein always pictured himself becoming a youth minister. When God closed that door, he was uncertain of the impact a secular career would have, but God showed him purpose while serving in the Army.

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Leap of Faith: Following God’s calling to Colorado
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

Leap of Faith: Following God’s calling to Colorado

Nicole Pilgrim and her husband heard God’s calling. They knew they needed to make a big move, even though they’d be leaving friends and family behind. But, with His help, they’ve found their new normal in a beautiful place.

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A call to serve
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

A call to serve

Andy initially resisted a call to military service. He had a family, a house, a career — and he feared what it would mean to them. Then God got ahold of Andy’s heart and showed his faithfulness through the ups and downs of service.

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