Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How God called me back: He healed my heart and chronic pain
Hip dysplasia left Meghan DeWalt in chronic pain. For years she felt like she was left behind by her peers. But, one day God put the pieces in Meghan’s life together when He led her to a new church.

#MyPandemicStory: While my husband worked with coronavirus patients, God taught me patience through bluebirds

#MyPandemicStory: How God reconnected me with a lost loved one

Loneliness, isolation, and a prayer for a friend answered
Lisa Dean found herself in a season of loneliness and isolation. But God knew the desires of her heart - and she found a friend she could be herself with.

My Creator: A story of God’s daughter
Heather was born with a prominent birthmark on her face, a source of bullying and pain. And yet, she found peace with how God created her: beautifully in his image.

You are my beloved
Diane Haskins had a dark night of the soul. But then came a beautiful rescue — and a beautiful mess with a dog named Bonnie.

Trusting God's calling to adopt
Lisa Ellsbury never imagined burying her baby. The grief was overwhelming. But when she looks back, more than 30 years later, she can see how God worked in all things for his good -- including her family.

Samantha's story: A mother's hope
When her 2-year-old daughter became sick, Alex and her husband prayed and cried as she was put into a medically induced coma. Her death shocked their family. But in their grief, they knew they weren't alone.

Witnessing a miracle
Does the God of the Old Testament, a God who performed miracles, still listen and respond to our prayers today? Dawn tells the story of her son with special needs.