Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How a whale of a tale helped me surrender to God’s larger plans
By the time Heather Henson set out on her whale watching adventure, her faith and perseverance had already been tested time and again. But out at sea, she learned to trust God in a new way.

I was born with a disability. Now, I’m using my voice and my faith to bring light to others.
When Amanda Chirelli graduated from high school, she didn’t know what opportunities lay ahead for someone with Cerebral Palsy. Putting her trust in God, He took her down paths she didn’t imagine possible.

When I Second-Guessed God
Lynne Modranksi was preparing to be a grandmother. But when the timing of her grandson’s birth didn’t go as she’d prayed it would, she was reminded that God has bigger plans for a reason.
How God was with my family after a farm accident took my Daddy
Mary Grace Johnson learned about death and grief at a young age when her father was killed in a farming accident. She’s spent her life searching for comfort in Christ’s promise that her daddy lives on in heaven.

I thought I was called to full-time ministry, but God showed me a different way
When Bree Blum discovered her job leading a ministry wasn’t all that she was led to believe, she took a leap of faith -- following God despite what seemed like impossible timings.

I searched for my biological grandmother and found my Heavenly Father
In a year full of ups and downs, Polly Garrett’s search for her fraternal grandmother ended with devastating results. With a little help from her family and God, she was able to find the light through a season of darkness.

The true story of Christmas
Glory to God in the highest heaven! Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day!

What I learned about God while serving in the Army
Russell Gehrlein always pictured himself becoming a youth minister. When God closed that door, he was uncertain of the impact a secular career would have, but God showed him purpose while serving in the Army.

A ‘tiny’ Christian rebellion in college: How one prodigal daughter returned home
Keela Dee felt alone when she started college and her family moved five hours away. Her long-time boyfriend broke up with her, and she broke up with her church. Eventually, though, God began finding ways back into her heart and soul.

Leap of Faith: Following God’s calling to Colorado
Nicole Pilgrim and her husband heard God’s calling. They knew they needed to make a big move, even though they’d be leaving friends and family behind. But, with His help, they’ve found their new normal in a beautiful place.
Wrestling with faith: When being good isn’t good enough
Growing up, Juliana Gordon thought she was a perfect Christian. Then she attended a university where seeds of doubt about God took root. She came to realize she wasn’t “perfect” because only God is, and she found strength in humility.

Surrounded by God’s Love During Hospice
Evelyn Sherwood wasn’t sure she could handle the final days of her mother’s battle with cancer. Then, family, friends and God intervened.