Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers
How a Post-it Note serves as a reminder of God’s presence
Many years ago, Tracy Souza’s students left a Post-it Note on her desk. She carries it still, as a reminder that God leaves messages of hope and love even in the simplest of moments.
How the pain of a tremendous loss led me to my purpose
Sonya Joy Mack had dreams for her and her mother’s future together filled with milestones and travels. But a grim diagnosis changed everything. After years of grieving and asking God for answers, she found that her pain served a greater purpose.
How my firstborn son taught me about the power of God’s hope and healing
Ebony Jones’ first child came into the world unexpectedly. When fear threatened to overwhelm her, she found hope in God’s presence.
How God was with my family after a farm accident took my Daddy
Mary Grace Johnson learned about death and grief at a young age when her father was killed in a farming accident. She’s spent her life searching for comfort in Christ’s promise that her daddy lives on in heaven.
Grieving my mom and allowing God to be the strong one
Jana Fraley’s life revolved around helping her parents on their ranch in Wyoming. Her world was upended when her mother died suddenly. Eventually, God helped her find peace on her family’s land.
Multiple miscarriages turned her life upside down. Here’s how she found peace.
Anna Kettle and her husband were devastated when she had her first miscarraige. After her second and then third miscarriages, the couple began to wonder if they’d ever have a baby. But, their faith helped them put aside their fears and their doubts and let God take control.
Surrounded by God’s Love During Hospice
Evelyn Sherwood wasn’t sure she could handle the final days of her mother’s battle with cancer. Then, family, friends and God intervened.
My boyfriends death rocked my faith to the core
Finding peace on the journey to discovering my authentic self
Kristen Hall needed time to grieve after her son was stillborn and her husband left. When she finally let herself be still and let God guide her, she learned some new things about herself.
Trusting God after losing my dad
Beth Haag got lost during an emotional trip to the Lions Gate Bridge, a landmark that reminded her of her late father. One step at a time, God guided her to the exact place she needed to be.
How a miscarriage forced me to be brutally honest with God
Kerrah was devastated by a miscarriage, the loss of her first baby, and cried out to God: Do you even love me? His answer soothed her heart and brought peace to her soul.
I lost my wedding ring, but God found it when I needed it most
Jessica lost so much - her sister, her health, her career. Then she lost her wedding ring. But she clung to the scripture that speaks to faith the size of a mustard seed — and God showed up in a miraculous way.