Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

But God: Why I never shared my teen pregnancy
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But God: Why I never shared my teen pregnancy

Tears ran down Jill Dobrowansky’s face after she heard God whisper: “Welcome home my child.” When Jill overcame her fear of returning to church after 13 years away, God welcomed her home.

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The chains of addiction were broken
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

The chains of addiction were broken

Jon struggled with an addiction that threatened to take his marriage and family away. Then he surrendered to God — and through work in a 12 step program, church programs and other avenues of support — he found unparalleled peace.

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Samantha's story: A mother's hope
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

Samantha's story: A mother's hope

When her 2-year-old daughter became sick, Alex and her husband prayed and cried as she was put into a medically induced coma. Her death shocked their family. But in their grief, they knew they weren't alone.

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Witnessing a miracle
Mackenzie Walters Mackenzie Walters

Witnessing a miracle

Does the God of the Old Testament, a God who performed miracles, still listen and respond to our prayers today? Dawn tells the story of her son with special needs.

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