Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How a Post-it Note serves as a reminder of God’s presence
Many years ago, Tracy Souza’s students left a Post-it Note on her desk. She carries it still, as a reminder that God leaves messages of hope and love even in the simplest of moments.

Multiple miscarriages turned her life upside down. Here’s how she found peace.
Anna Kettle and her husband were devastated when she had her first miscarraige. After her second and then third miscarriages, the couple began to wonder if they’d ever have a baby. But, their faith helped them put aside their fears and their doubts and let God take control.

#MyPandemicStory: God answered my prayers while giving birth without my family
TaLeiza Calloway-Appleton was scared when her water broke during the COVID-19 pandemic because she knew she'd have to go into the hospital and give birth without her family. Through the fear and the pain, God let TaLeiza know she wasn't alone.

My boyfriends death rocked my faith to the core

Results that Changed My Life
A rare disease left MaryBeth Eiler in pain with few treatment options. When she began keeping journals she found God’s small daily miracles helped her stay positive on her road to recovery.

Infidelity paralyzed me, but God gave me the courage to start new
Debra Wallace was heartbroken when her marriage was torn by infidelity. She turned to a Beth Moore Bible study, prayer and a silent retreat -- and found God's path forward.

How a miscarriage forced me to be brutally honest with God
Kerrah was devastated by a miscarriage, the loss of her first baby, and cried out to God: Do you even love me? His answer soothed her heart and brought peace to her soul.

I lost my wedding ring, but God found it when I needed it most
Jessica lost so much - her sister, her health, her career. Then she lost her wedding ring. But she clung to the scripture that speaks to faith the size of a mustard seed — and God showed up in a miraculous way.

The chains of addiction were broken
Jon struggled with an addiction that threatened to take his marriage and family away. Then he surrendered to God — and through work in a 12 step program, church programs and other avenues of support — he found unparalleled peace.

If God is bigger than death, then God is bigger than cancer
Cancer seemed to strike Elyse Webb’s family with a vengeance. She searched for answers — but she didn’t find the peace she so deeply wanted until she surrendered her anger during church.

The truth about orphanages and how God changed my perspective
Ellyse Ellsbury, 14, grew up in an orphanage in China. The experience left her angry — until God shared a dream that changed her perspective and gave her a new mission, to help others without family.

Seven doors in: How an unlikely friendship blossomed in prison
Becky often drove by the men’s prison near her home. She’d wonder about life inside, sometimes allowing her thoughts to be laced with condemnation. Then an unlikely friendship with a man inside changed her perspective on incarceration — and God’s presence.