Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How a whale of a tale helped me surrender to God’s larger plans
By the time Heather Henson set out on her whale watching adventure, her faith and perseverance had already been tested time and again. But out at sea, she learned to trust God in a new way.

When I Second-Guessed God
Lynne Modranksi was preparing to be a grandmother. But when the timing of her grandson’s birth didn’t go as she’d prayed it would, she was reminded that God has bigger plans for a reason.

How God forgave my anger and saved my marriage
Jodie Cooper never imagined she’d be in an abusive relationship, or that she’d find herself being the abuser. Cooper prayed, fasted and repented. She asked God to intervene -- and He did.

How God called me back: He healed my heart and chronic pain
Hip dysplasia left Meghan DeWalt in chronic pain. For years she felt like she was left behind by her peers. But, one day God put the pieces in Meghan’s life together when He led her to a new church.

Why we welcomed a young man, about to become homeless, into our home

Patience, prayer and in vitro: God blessed my family
Amy Vincelli began to question why God wouldn’t bless her with something as natural as a baby, but after a few tries and some heartbreak, her beautiful family began to grow.

Results that Changed My Life
A rare disease left MaryBeth Eiler in pain with few treatment options. When she began keeping journals she found God’s small daily miracles helped her stay positive on her road to recovery.

A surprising gift from God: Cancer
Fear temporarily took over when Alicia Economos learned her husband had stage four cancer. But, when she soon got a surprising diagnosis of her own, faith took the lead.

The chains of addiction were broken
Jon struggled with an addiction that threatened to take his marriage and family away. Then he surrendered to God — and through work in a 12 step program, church programs and other avenues of support — he found unparalleled peace.

My Creator: A story of God’s daughter
Heather was born with a prominent birthmark on her face, a source of bullying and pain. And yet, she found peace with how God created her: beautifully in his image.

A newspaperman invited the community to his daughter's baptism
Tim Walters always wanted to work for his hometown paper, but he never imagined writing a column about parenthood — or inviting the entire community to his daughter’s baptism.

Witnessing a miracle
Does the God of the Old Testament, a God who performed miracles, still listen and respond to our prayers today? Dawn tells the story of her son with special needs.