Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

Headaches and chronic pain lead me to God’s grace
Samantha DeCosmo didn’t know what was causing her chronic pain and headaches, but she did know whatever was going on, it was all part of God’s plan. Her belief in Him got her through one of the hardest times of her life.
Finding peace on the journey to discovering my authentic self
Kristen Hall needed time to grieve after her son was stillborn and her husband left. When she finally let herself be still and let God guide her, she learned some new things about herself.

A surprising gift from God: Cancer
Fear temporarily took over when Alicia Economos learned her husband had stage four cancer. But, when she soon got a surprising diagnosis of her own, faith took the lead.

The chains of addiction were broken
Jon struggled with an addiction that threatened to take his marriage and family away. Then he surrendered to God — and through work in a 12 step program, church programs and other avenues of support — he found unparalleled peace.

If God is bigger than death, then God is bigger than cancer
Cancer seemed to strike Elyse Webb’s family with a vengeance. She searched for answers — but she didn’t find the peace she so deeply wanted until she surrendered her anger during church.

You are my beloved
Diane Haskins had a dark night of the soul. But then came a beautiful rescue — and a beautiful mess with a dog named Bonnie.

Trusting God’s plan with my son
Amy always longed to be a mom. When her son was diagnosed with mental health challenges, she found herself trying to control the uncontrollable — and needing to surrender to God.