Read personal stories of faith by Christian authors and writers

How a Post-it Note serves as a reminder of God’s presence
Many years ago, Tracy Souza’s students left a Post-it Note on her desk. She carries it still, as a reminder that God leaves messages of hope and love even in the simplest of moments.

How a whale of a tale helped me surrender to God’s larger plans
By the time Heather Henson set out on her whale watching adventure, her faith and perseverance had already been tested time and again. But out at sea, she learned to trust God in a new way.

How the pain of a tremendous loss led me to my purpose
Sonya Joy Mack had dreams for her and her mother’s future together filled with milestones and travels. But a grim diagnosis changed everything. After years of grieving and asking God for answers, she found that her pain served a greater purpose.

I was born with a disability. Now, I’m using my voice and my faith to bring light to others.
When Amanda Chirelli graduated from high school, she didn’t know what opportunities lay ahead for someone with Cerebral Palsy. Putting her trust in God, He took her down paths she didn’t imagine possible.
How my firstborn son taught me about the power of God’s hope and healing
Ebony Jones’ first child came into the world unexpectedly. When fear threatened to overwhelm her, she found hope in God’s presence.

When I Second-Guessed God
Lynne Modranksi was preparing to be a grandmother. But when the timing of her grandson’s birth didn’t go as she’d prayed it would, she was reminded that God has bigger plans for a reason.

As I faced my worst fears as a mother, I learned to trust God
When Carrie Holt’s son was born with special needs, she had to face some of her worst fears. As her son was again wheeled into the hospital, she wondered where God was. Through the encouragement of friends and family, she was reminded of the answer: He was beside her.

How my faith in God helped me survive war, life in a refugee camp
From an early age, I believed in the power of prayer. I grew up in a small fishing village in Liberia. It sits on the bank of the Atlantic Ocean with beautiful beaches with white sand and lots of coconut and palm trees.
How God was with my family after a farm accident took my Daddy
Mary Grace Johnson learned about death and grief at a young age when her father was killed in a farming accident. She’s spent her life searching for comfort in Christ’s promise that her daddy lives on in heaven.

Grieving my mom and allowing God to be the strong one
Jana Fraley’s life revolved around helping her parents on their ranch in Wyoming. Her world was upended when her mother died suddenly. Eventually, God helped her find peace on her family’s land.

I thought I was called to full-time ministry, but God showed me a different way
When Bree Blum discovered her job leading a ministry wasn’t all that she was led to believe, she took a leap of faith -- following God despite what seemed like impossible timings.

I searched for my biological grandmother and found my Heavenly Father
In a year full of ups and downs, Polly Garrett’s search for her fraternal grandmother ended with devastating results. With a little help from her family and God, she was able to find the light through a season of darkness.